First paper from the Ph.D. is out!
Carreira BM, Segurado P, Orizaola G, Gonçalves N, Pinto V, Laurila A & Rebelo R, 2016. Warm vegetarians? Heat waves and diet shifts in tadpoles. Ecology, 97(11): 2964-2974.

After worldwide media coverage, we broke records at Ecology - highest Altmetric score ever for the ESA journal. Highlights - a news article in Natural History (U.S.A.), a chronicle in the newspaper El Mundo (Spain), a tweet by Quite Interesting (@quikipedia) and massive media coverage in Russia.
PORTUGAL - RTP, Público, Visão, Wilder, Correio da Manhã, Destak, Notícias ao Minuto
SPAIN - Agencia SINC, El Mundo, La Razón, La Verdad, AlphaGalileo, El Tiempo Hoy, Mundo Sorprendente, Ecoportal
FRANCE - Sciences et Avenir, Alvinet, Faune Sauvage
GERMANY - Scinexx, Sputnik News, N-TV, Crash-News
SWEDEN - Forskning, Uppsala Universitet
U.K. - My News Desk, Bioengineer
U.S.A. - EurekAlert, Live Science, Phys.Org, Science Daily, Plugon, Earth
RUSSIA - Lenta, GFAclaims, Naked Science, Planet Today, Vesti-nedeli, Shakhty, News Rambler, Rodina News, News Sputnik, Storm News, Science-digest, Tavrika, Pereplet, Bufodo, Ekograd Moscow, News Comments, Cryptozoo
BELARUS - Parebiobiominsk
INDIA - Swadesi
ARGENTINA - Boletín Veterinario Federal, Ambientum
CHILE - Ambientum
COLOMBIA - Ambientum
COSTA RICA - Ambientum
EQUADOR - Ambientum
MEXICO - Ambientum
PANAMA - Ambientum